4D Chart v13



4D Chart v13

CT Get ID 


CT Get ID ( area ; scope ; index ) -> Function result 
Parameter Type   Description
area  Longint in 4D Chart area
scope  Longint in Scope of the function -1 = All 0 = Selected objects >0 = Group ID
index  Longint in Number of object in scope
Function result  Longint in The object's unique Object ID

CT Get ID returns the unique ID for the object in area described by scope and index. This number is used by many other 4D Chart commands and is referred to as an object’s ID.

To get an object’s ID, you first specify which set of objects to refer to and then the order of the object within the set. Objects are ordered from back to front. The backmost object has an index of 1.

  • If scope equals -1, then index refers to the order of the object within the entire document.
  • If scope equals 0, then index refers to the order of the object within the currently selected objects.
  • If scope is greater than 0, it must be the ID for a group and index refers to the order of objects within the group. This last syntax lets you manipulate objects in a group without ungrouping.


This example shows how to extract the ID for a selected object.

 vID:=CT Get ID(Area;0;1) `Get the ID of the first selected object


Product: 4D Chart
Theme: CT Objects
Number: 14563


Alphabetical list of commands


Created: 4D Chart 1